Arsutoria Magazine

Milspeed joins Tecno Gi Group

The aim is to power up the sustainable innovation within the footwear components and leather goods industries.

News aziende Arsutoria

October 2024

Milspeed joins Tecno Gi Group

TECNO GI Group, leading global footwear and leather goods reinforcements supplier, has acquired the assets and trade of Milspeed Ltd.

The new organization will set the pace for sustainable innovation within footwear industry components and will trade in the market of athletic shoes under the name of “MILSPEED INTERNATIONAL Ltd”.


Being part of a big international group represents significant benefits for business partners and customers, including:  

– Improved production efficiency – utilizing Tecno Gi’s extrusion expertise will enable more efficient production in thicker counter products; faster production, less waste and cheaper end cost through supply chain purchase power;


– Expanded global network – Enhanced worldwide presence and distribution; The global network of Milspeed and Tecno Gi will enable greater technical sales support and faster communications along with regional manufacturing in Asia and Europe;


– Wider product range – combining the two companies’ areas of expertise will create a wider product range supporting diverse customer production requirements;


– Deep commitment to sustainability – including recycled and bio materials and lower CO2 emission products and processes. Production through efficient extrusion with Tecno Gi will enable Milspeed International to break even lower records of CO2 emissions, supporting your own sustainability goals.

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