Arsutoria Studio

Historical Archive

1947 - TODAY

With more than 70 years of publications behind it, the historical archives of Arsutoria and Arpel represent a journey of discovery into the style and customs that have made the history of footwear and leather goods worldwide.

The variety of photos it contains is an endless source of creativity and inspiration for everyone looking for inspiration: designers, stylists, fashion students, and journalists, to name a few.

However, such a unique resource serves more than only as a creative force. Our collection is also beneficial for design model disputes as well as biographical and company research.


A look back at the history of footwear


A tour through the history of leather goods

How can you access the historical archive?

Our historical archive has been digitized and made available for online consultation. Constantly updated with the latest releases, it is complete with all issues – from 1947 to today – and it can be explored through by flipping between the pages.

To access it, simply sign up for an ArsPlatinum subscription and select the formula that best suits your needs. This is where your trip begins.