Arsutoria Studio

More than 23,000 operators at Lineapelle 2024

Research and style, innovation, and new product and process solutions were at the center of the recently concluded edition of the Milan show, which took place with great satisfaction from September 17 to 19.

Fairs news

October 2024

More than 23,000 operators at Lineapelle 2024

With the participation of 23,800 professional operators – including 17,573 buyers (57 percent Italian, 43 percent foreign, from 112 countries), Lineapelle confirmed itself as an investment in the future for the fashion, luxury and design supply chain, in the context of a conjuncture characterized by complex uncertainty. From the point of view of provenance, of note is the lower brilliance of Italian visitors, compensated by a greater vitality of foreign ones, confirming the international vocation of the Leather Show and its essential role in connecting the top players in the supply chain: from the big groups and brands of the fashion & luxury industry, to emerging talents and the most innovative start-ups. In particular, the performance of incoming operators from the United States, China, India, Poland, Brazil, and Mexico is significant. In decline France, Spain, Germany.

Great attention by the exhibitors (1,261 tanneries, manufacturers of accessories, components, fabrics and synthetics, from 43 countries) to the development of proposals oriented toward a clear enhancement of naturalness and constant qualitative elevation. In terms of destinations, in the context of a manufacturing landscape that has fallen victim to a consistent slowdown, the prediction is that the first market to restart will be high-end leather goods.

Once again the successful combination with Simac Tanning Tech, the international exhibition of technology for the tannery, footwear and leather goods sectors, which celebrated the milestone of edition number 50 at Fiera Milano Rho, was confirmed.

Next appointment with Lineapelle: February 25-27, 2025 with the preview of the 2026 summer fashion season.

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